In This Episode
- Guest: Jill Gilardi, Meteorologist at WBRC-TV Birmingham
- Special Appearances: Tim Bacca, Storm Photographer of the Year and Scott Peake, Storm Photograph Winner of the Year
- Tracker Chat – Audio Diary Live during Hurricane Dorian
- Lightning Round: Will My Pet Kill Me?
- 5% Discount at
- #weatherfools – We present the fools doing stupid things in weather situations
- Wx Resources – We share some great web sites, apps, equipment and other great weather resources you’ll want to use
- Wasted Weather – We dig through the dark web to find the discarded clips of our weather friends in the bag
- Reveal of our next guest…
Check out our Patreon page for exciting ways to support our podcast and interact with us more!
- Tim Bacca – tim_bacca-photography on Instagram and timbacaweather on Twitter
- Scott Peake – scottpeakewx on Twitter and YouTube Channel
Our Guest
Jill Gilardi, Meteorologist WBRC-TV, Birmingham
Jill Gilardi joined WBRC in 2013. She has nearly 15+ years of experience as a broadcast meteorologist, serving audiences in St. Joseph and Springfield, Missouri as well as Omaha, Nebraska. She started storm chasing in 2008 and even worked for a storm chasing company called Extreme Chase Tours. She earned her bachelor’s degree in meteorology at Lyndon State College in Vermont. One of the toughest TV days for Jill was May 22, 2011, the day of the Joplin EF5.
Follow Jill on Twitter – @jillgilardi
Tornado Trackers are at
Get 5% discount at Helicity including Storm Front Freaks Podcast Merch at
#weatherfools Links:
- Phil – Fenway Park Lightning and Thunderstorm
- Phil – Too Close Czech Republic Tornado
- Phil – Video of SUV being Struck by Lightning
- MJ – Turn Around Don’t Drown Video
- MJ – Lightning in a Pool
Wx Resources:
- Phil – Hurricane Tracker App
- Jen –
- Scott – GoPro Camera
Submit your questions or comments about this show to or on our social media accounts and we may read it on our next episode!
- Twitter: @stromfrontfreak
- Facebook: @stormfrontfreaks
- Instagram: @stormfrontfreaks
Next Episode we will be joined by storm chaser of the Tornado Titans, Brandon Sullivan. Recording live for members on Thursday, July 22nd at 9pmET/8pmCT and available on all podcast players the following Sunday.
- Opening Music: Brett Epstein
- Closing Music: Gabe Cox
- Other Music: “Pecos Hank” Schyma from El Reno Blues