In This Episode
- Guest: Lori Bailey, Photographer and Storm Chaser
- Titan U Minute
- Lightning Round: Name That Tune (80’s Hair Metal Bands)
- #WeatherFools – We present the fools doing stupid things in weather situations
- Weather Trollbot 5000 – Our garage sale robot interprets the thought of our weather friends when trolled on social media
Lori Bailey, Storm Chaser and Photographer
Lori Bailey is a southern Arizona photographer and Skywarn spotter whose images and videos have been featured on Arizona, The Weather Channel, and all local media outlets. In 2019, Lori co-hosted MonsoonCon, a one-day conference held annually in Tucson, Arizona. During July through September Lori offers storm chasing workshops that take guests throughout Arizona and New Mexico in the pursuit of epic high based monsoon thunderstorms.
Follow Lori on Social Media and the web:
Titan U Minute is a segment brought to you by
#WeatherFools Links:
- Phil – Senior Citizen Open Air Storm Tour
- Phil – McLaren Gets Stuck In Charleston Flood
- Phil – Two Arrested for Hoarding Diapers Intended for Tornado Victims
- Phil – Fishing Near a Tornado
- Kim – Tumbleweed Tornado (Dust Devil)
- Greg – Yukon Beach Packed Defying COVID-19 Orders
- MJ – Man on Car Roof During Hail Storm
- MJ – Drinking Beer on a Lake with Tornado in Background
Submit your questions or comments about this show to and we may read it on our next episode!
Next Episode records on May 14th at 9pmET/8pmCT. We’ll be talking to Social Scientist and FACETs Program Manager at NOAA, Dr. Gina Eosco!
- Opening Music: Brett Epstein
- Closing Music: Gabe Cox
- Other Music: “Pecos Hank” Schyma from El Reno Blues