In This Episode
- Guest: Brad Sowder, Morning Meteorologist and Chaser FOX29-San Antonio
- Tracker Chat with the Tornado Trackers – Photography Equipment
- Helicity Designs and discount code
- Lightning Round: Tech Now
- Tornado Talk with Jen Narramore – Flint/Beecher F5 Tornado
- #WeatherFools-We present the fools doing stupid things in weather situations
- Who will be our next guest?
Brought to you by Extreme Tornado Tours at
Our Guest
Brad Sowder, Morning Meteorologist and Storm Chaser at FOX29 San Antonio
As an Emmy award-winning severe weather expert, Brad Sowder recently spent several years forecasting morning weather in Oklahoma City and was a featured storm chaser during severe weather. He is one of the only meteorologists that has chased tornadoes from a helicopter. Before Oklahoma, Brad forecasted for a number of years in Colorado.
Brad is originally from Virginia and is an atmospheric science graduate from the University of North Carolina in Asheville.
To follow Brad, search “Brad Sowder” on social media
Contributors and Partners
- To learn more about the Tornado Trackers visit them at
- Visit for our Storm Front Freaks lineup of merchandise. Use code: SFF at check-out for 5% off your entire order
- Get hooked on tornado history at
Weather Fools Links:
- Phil-Drunk Driver Crashes Into NWS Office
- Phil-Reporter Showered by Passing Snowplow
- Dina-“Legend” Surfs Ice As He Break Pool
- MJ-Man Wanting Golf Back on TV during Tornado Warning Tweet
- MJ-Literal Tornado Intercept
Submit your questions or comments about this show to and we may read it on our next episode!
Next episode (74), as part of our “Coast to Coast with your Favorite TV Meteorologists” series, our guest will be Ada Monzon, Meteorologist in Puerto Rico.
- Opening Music: Brett Epstein
- Closing Music: Gabe Cox
- Other Music: “Pecos Hank” Schyma from El Reno Blues